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A Boyfriend for Christmas Page 2

  “Yeah, they sense that I’m a sex goddess.” Barb laughed. “But then they leave,” she sighed. “You don’t think I can lose 10lbs in twenty-four hours, do you?”

  “Uhm no.” Brynn laughed. “Come on goof, let’s go get outfits.”

  “Cory and Jane, come here,” Barb screamed out to her kids and they came running. Brynn loved Barb’s kids and as their Godmother she spent a lot of time with them, but sometimes she wished she just had the house to herself.

  “Kids, we are all going to a party tomorrow. I want you to go and choose some outfits, ok.”

  “Yes, Mom.” They nodded enthusiastically and ran off to their room. Cory and Jane were twins and it never ceased to amaze Brynn how alike and in tune the two were.

  “Well, that was easy.” Barb grinned. “Let’s go choose some outfits.”


  Brynn, Barb and the kids sat in the living room waiting on Lucky to show up. They were listening to Michael Jackson and drinking eggnog and each one of them was excited about the night. Brynn had spent the day flirting with Doug and she was excited to see what would happen at the party, though for some reason Daz kept popping up in her mind. She had had a sleepless night the night before and had taken out her butterfly toy to help her fall asleep. As she had masturbated, Daz’s face had popped into her mind and she found herself thinking dirty thoughts of him as she pleasured herself. She tried not to analyze her thoughts because they weren’t important. She was unlikely to ever see Daz again.

  Ding-dong, the doorbell went and Cory and Jane ran to open the door and flung themselves into Lucky’s arms. “Auntie Lucky!” they squealed in unison and she laughed as she hugged them.

  “I wish I could find a man as eager to see me as these two.” Lucky walked into the room and Barb and Brynn’s eyes popped out. Lucky was wearing a short black skirt that barely covered her ass and a low-cut silver sequined top with a push-up bra. Her hair was long and black (due to a dye job) and her big blue eyes looked huge, thanks to a lot of eyeliner and mascara.

  “Wow!” Barb exclaimed staring at Lucky. “You look ready for a fun night out.” She looked down at her own outfit that had seemed so great earlier. She now felt tame and boring and contemplated changing.

  “Lucky, what are you wearing?” Brynn sighed. Her sister was going to make the employees of the law firm think that a group of strippers had been hired for the party. “Is that really appropriate?”

  “C’mon Brynn. Don’t be such a stick-in-the ass.” Lucky laughed and danced around with the kids. “Beat it, beat it,” she sang.

  Brynn sighed with exasperation and smiled at Barb. They exchanged glances and walked to their rooms. “Okay, what should I wear?” Brynn grinned at her friend. There was no way they were going out looking dowdy if Lucky was going looking like a tramp. They’d never get any attention from possible boyfriends looking like the plain stepsisters.

  “Try on this dress.” Barb pulled out a figure flattering black dress and handed it to Brynn.

  “But it’s such thin material, I can’t wear panties. Not unless I want a panty line.”

  “Wear a thong.” Barb grinned.

  “True.” Brynn pulled on the dress and pulled her bra off. “I can’t wear a bra either.”

  “You’re boobs look great, Brynn,” Barb complimented her friend. “Now I have to decide what to wear.”

  “Wear the red dress you wore to the Halloween party we went to two years ago.” Brynn grinned at her friend. “That was hot.”

  “Okay.” Barb rushed off to her room and changed. Within five minutes, both girls were back in the living room with Lucky and the kids and they all stared at Brynn and Barb with huge grins.

  “You look beautiful, Mommy.” Jane stepped forward and hugged her mom.

  “Thanks doll.” Barb bent down and kissed Jane on the forehead.

  “You look good too, Auntie Brynn.” Cory stared at her in amazement. “Like a princess.”

  “Thanks Cory.” Brynn felt a swell of happiness in her heart and gave him a big hug. “And you look like Spiderman.” She grinned at Cory in his costume. The five of them looked like the biggest mix-matched group and she knew that they were going to stick out at the party like a sore thumb but she didn’t mind. They were her family and she loved them as they were. She just hoped she wouldn’t get fired.

  “C’mon guys. Let’s go party.” Lucky danced towards the door and they all danced along happily as they left the house.

  Chapter 3

  Lucky disappeared as soon as they arrived at the hotel and Brynn sighed. Her excitement had faded as soon as they had arrived at the Hilton and walked into the Grand Ballroom, where the party was being held. There was no babysitter at the party and both Jane and Cory were acting up, thanks to the coke, she and Barb had let them have before they left the house. Brynn looked around the room and contemplated what to do. The music was loud, the drinks were plentiful and she didn’t see anyone she knew. She and Barb stood in the corner with the kids and both seemed a little overwhelmed.

  “These people look rich, Brynn.” Barb’s voice was filled with concern. She felt self-conscious and out of place among the rich and elite and Brynn was starting to feel the same way.

  “It’s okay, Barb.” Brynn tried to sound upbeat. “Didn’t we say we wanted rich boyfriends for Christmas.”

  “I guess.” Barb sounded doubtful. “I don’t know if any of these guys are going to want a big girl like me.”

  “Don’t be silly, Barb,” Brynn sighed. “Let me go and get us a drink.”


  Brynn walked over to the bar and ordered 3 drinks. She gulped one down as she waited for the other 2 to be made and felt someone tap her on the shoulder. She turned around with a happy smile expecting to see Doug, and felt her smiled freeze as she saw Daz.

  “I thought that was you.” He looked at her with mirth in his eyes. “I hope you’re not going to be driving after downing all these drinks.”

  “What, what are you doing here?” she sputtered in shock.

  “I came for the party, of course.” He grinned at her. “And you are here because?”

  “I work at the firm.” She glared at him. “I don’t think party crashers are allowed, you know.”

  “Oh they aren’t?”

  “No.” She turned around and grabbed another drink and started gulping it. She didn’t want Daz to see just how affected she was by his presence. It had been years since they had hung out but she felt like she did when she had first seen him all those years ago, lightheaded and giddy. She’d had a crush on Daz since high school, when he was dating her sister and she had been devastated when he had cheated on her sister. She’d never thought he would turn out to be that kind of guy.

  “Whoa, Brynn.” He laughed. “Go easy with the drinks.”

  “You’re not my boss.” She glared at him and continued chugging. She felt her body warm as he moved in closer to her. He bent his face down to look into her eyes and he spoke with a half smile.

  “Not technically, I suppose.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She looked up at him with squinted eyes and licked her lips. If she moved her mouth forward just an inch they would be kissing.

  “It means that as a partner, everyone in the firm technically works for me.” He smiled at her and she gasped as she felt his tongue on her lips licking them. “I figured I would help you out,” he spoke softly and sensuously as he removed his tongue from her mouth.

  “What are you doing?” Brynn could barely get the words out. She was mesmerized by his eyes and the feel of his tongue on her lips. She wanted to grab him and to stick her tongue in his mouth. She wanted to know what it would feel like to kiss him, deep and hard. She had been thinking about kissing him for years, and she was inches away from making it happen. “And wait, what?” She snapped back to reality. “You’re a partner.”

  “Yup.” He smiled and stepped back. She felt disappointment that he hadn’t attempted to kiss her. “So be ca
reful with the drinks. I wouldn’t want to have to garnish your checks for another car accident.”

  “That was your fault,” she growled at him.

  “I don’t think so.” He watched her frown up at him and smiled. “You’re just lucky that you’re Lucky’s sister.”

  “She’s here!” Brynn exclaimed. “Lucky’s here.”

  “She is?” He looked at her intensely, his eyes focused and happy. “That’s great. Where is she? I want to talk to her.”

  “Why?” Brynn frowned feeling disappointed.

  “We need to discuss what happened all those years ago.” He studied her face seriously. “I want things to be set right.”

  “Oh.” Brynn sighed. “I see.” So he wanted to get back together with Lucky it seemed. It figured. Lucky always seemed to have the best luck with guys.

  “If you’ll excuse me.” He grabbed her waist. “I’m going to go and find her now.”

  “Sure.” She felt butterflies in her stomach as he touched her. “Go and find her.”

  “I’ll see you later.” He kissed her on the cheek and walked away. Brynn watched him search for Lucky and a wave of sadness and desire washed over her. He looked debonair in his black suit. The suit emphasized the gold in his hair and the greenness of his eyes. But her feelings for him stemmed from more than lust. She had tried to forget how in love with him she had been when she was younger. It had been wrong for her to lust over her sister’s boyfriend but he had always been so sweet and nice to her. She had thought they’d had a connection. But then he had cheated on Lucky and broken her heart and she had never seen him again. She sighed and picked up the drinks and walked back to Barb.

  “Here you go.” She handed Barb a drink and they sat down at a table with food. The kids grabbed a bunch of sandwiches and cakes and dug in.

  “Sorry, you’ve been stuck with the kids.” Brynn frowned at her friend. “I can watch them if you want to go dance,” she offered.

  “It’s no problem.” Barb smiled at her friend. “I don’t know that I’ll be dancing tonight.”

  “Brynn, so good to see you.” Doug’s booming voice came from behind them and Brynn grinned up at him. He looked handsome and friendly and she was happy to see that someone was happy to see and hang out with her.

  She stood up and gave him a hug. “Doug. Thanks. It’s good to be here.” She smiled to herself as he hugged her a little longer than was polite and saw that he was checking out her outfit as he pulled away from her.

  “You look beautiful.” He smiled down at her. “I love the dress. It’s…how can I put this, very sexy.” He grinned.

  “Well thanks.” She smiled back at him. Doug wasn’t the type of guy that she normally went for but he seemed kind and decent and well, the sort of guy a girl should marry. And it wasn’t that she didn’t find him attractive. It was just that she didn’t feel an animal magnetism for him, like she did for Daz. She sighed to herself at her thoughts and was interrupted by Barb clearing her throat.

  “Oh sorry,” she apologized and grinned at her friend. “Doug, meet my best friend Barb and her two kids Cory and Jane.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Barb.” Doug took her hand and kissed it and Brynn thought Barb’s face couldn’t get any redder if she tried. “Twins?” Doug looked at the kids stuffing their faces and smiled.

  “Yes, sorry.” Barb stood up and flattened her dress. “We thought it would be okay to bring the kids.”

  “It’s fine.” He smiled generously. “We love kids at the firm.”

  “Thanks.” Barb and Brynn both answered him and they all laughed. Brynn liked that he liked kids. That was a good trait in a man.

  “So what do you do, Barb?” he inquired of her friend. Another point to tick off on her list. Friendly and interested in her friends.

  “Oh, right now, I’m just a mom.” Barb blushed.

  “She’s an artist,” Brynn interrupted. “She paints. And she’s very talented.”

  “Oh really?” Doug looked at Barb with interest. “I studied Art History before I went to law school. I love art.”

  “Really?” Barb beamed at him. “Well, I’m no Monet or Picasso.” She laughed self-consciously. “I just dabble here and there.”

  “That’s not quite true,” Brynn interrupted again. “Barb was just commissioned to do a piece for the mayor’s wife.”

  “Really? You must be good.” Doug smiled at Barb and then turned back to Brynn. “I should have known you would have talented friends.”

  “Oh why?” Brynn looked at him surprised.

  “Because great people attract great people.”

  “Oh, thanks.” Brynn smiled widely at him.

  “I just have to go chat with some of the partners but I’ll be back.” Doug bowed in front of the women and whispered in Brynn’s ear before he walked away, “I don’t know if it’s legal for me to feel this happy and excited right now.” He winked at her and walked away and Brynn flushed. So there it was she thought. Doug is interested and he is letting her know. She felt disappointed that it hadn’t been Daz who had expressed interest in her but she brushed off the feeling. She did not want to start crushing on Daz again.

  “He seemed nice.” Barb grinned at her friend. “Is he a lawyer?”

  “Yeah.” Brynn’s answer was distracted because she had just noticed Daz walking with Lucky and they seemed to be having an animated chat.

  “I wonder if he is single?”

  “Yeah. He is,” Brynn answered without looking at her friend. If she had, she would have seen the excitement and happiness on it.

  “Oh, looks like one of us may have a chance at having our Christmas boyfriend wish granted after all.” Barb’s voice was happy and she played with her hair.

  “Yeah. I guess so.” Brynn’s voice was low. She knew she should be happy that Doug was interested in her and that he seemed like a good catch but she just didn’t feel that sexual magnetism to him as she had to other men. Well, one other man in particular.

  “I’m going to go and get us some more drinks. Watch the kids, okay?” Barb walked away and Brynn smiled.

  “Sure, thanks.” She watched as Daz and Lucky left the room and sighed and turned to the kids. “Who wants to dance with Auntie Brynn?”

  “Me, me, me.” Jane jumped up and giggled while Cory continued stuffing his face with cheesecake. Brynn knew that she should stop him from eating and that he was likely to get sick from all the food but she just didn’t have the heart.

  Barb came back to them with two tall drinks and joined them in the dance. Brynn tried to enjoy herself and eventually got Cory to join them and they danced around the table, to the amusement of the other guests. About an hour later, Lucky joined them and Brynn looked at her sharply, eager to know what had gone on with her and Daz.

  “Hey, where have you been?” she questioned her sister.

  “I was with Daz.” Lucky smiled dreamily.

  “And?” Brynn looked at her sister with narrowed eyes.

  “We’ll talk later,” Lucky sighed. “I have some things to tell you.”

  “Like what?” Brynn tried to hide her aggravation and anxiety from her sister. “Don’t tell me you forgave him just like that?”

  “Oh Brynn.” Lucky looked at her in concern. “I hope you don’t harbor any resentment towards him.” She bit her lip. “Look, let’s enjoy tonight and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Lucky, where are you going?” Brynn called after her sister as she walked away.

  “Going to get laid.” Lucky laughed back as she disappeared into the crowd and Brynn felt her heart sink. Well that was that. Lucky and Daz were back together again. She gulped down her new drink and tried to ignore the pain she felt.

  “Excuse me, are you Brynn?” A waiter walked towards her with a card.

  “Yeah?” She peered at him curiously. “Why?”

  “A man asked me to deliver this.” He handed her an envelope and walked away.

  She opened it, read it and bit her lip. She was
n’t sure what to do. The note read:

  Hey Sexy. I’ve never seen you look as sexy as you look tonight. Make me a happy man and join me in Room 403 ten minutes after you get this note. I’ll be waiting. Xoxo

  It wasn’t signed but Brynn was pretty sure it was from Doug. She was surprised that he was so forward; she hadn’t thought he was that type of guy. But she figured that there was no time like the present to see if they were sexually compatible. She hadn’t had sex in so long and she was looking for a good guy to date. If Doug was also good in bed, then maybe she would actually feel a bit more for him than she was feeling now.